1st House |
Head, Brain, Hair. |
2nd House |
Mouth, Speech, Face, Teeth, Right Eye, Tongue, Internal Throat, Lips, Nose, Cheeks. |
3rd House |
Neck, Right Ear, Shoulder, Arms, Hands, Palms, External Throat, Bronchial Tubes. |
4th House |
Chest, Breast, Lungs, Diaphragm. |
5th House |
Stomach, Liver, Pancreas, Heart, Back Bone, Upper Abdomen. |
6th House |
Small Intestine, Appendix, Lower Abdomen, Naval Region, Digestion. |
7th House |
Large Intestine, Reproductive System, Kidneys, Bladder and Lower Portion of Uterus, Urinary System, Semen, Ovaries. |
8th House |
External Genitals, Penis, Anus, Rectum, Pubic Region. |
9th House |
Thighs, Hips. |
10th House |
Knees, Joints, Legs. |
11th House |
Long Bones Below Knees(Legs) and its muscles, Ankles, Left Ear. |
12th House |
Feet, Toe, Left Eye. |